Welcome to my comprehensive resource section, designed to empower you and provide you with a wealth of tools, templates, guides, and workarounds to streamline you marketing efforts. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in the field, this collection of resources is here to assist you in achieving your marketing goals.

GTM Template for Ecom Websites

Save time and effort in setting up GTM for E-commerce websites. Download the template and set up GTM in 3 simple steps

Recommended Events Tracker for GA4

This is a sample event tracker for ecommerce websites with recommended events to consider before setting up events or after you have set up events for your website via GTM for GA4

Meta ( FB & Insta ) Ad Campaign Checklist

This is a simple checklist to ensure that all prerequisites are ready before launching the campaign to avoid any last minute back and forth and delay in the launch and ultimately an angry client 😉